The Smith's

The Smith's

March 31, 2011

One little, two little, three little babies...

I know my kids aren't babies anymore, not even little man! It breaks my heart, but what upset me even more is putting all three of them to sleep crying.

Tonight Laila had dance class, which always makes for a rough evening once we're finally home, but tonight was downright out of control. My friend, Cara, stopped by to pick up a few things and visit for a few minutes. I love when a friend stops by, adult conversation is so scarce around here since I spend my days with kids while Dustin's working, it is always a joy to talk to someone else. Cara brought her daughter, Paxton, with her tonight, which tickled my girls pink! They love her and an impromptu playdate is always the best! Unfortunately, Laila and Kenadi turned off their listening skills tonight and both ended up in trouble and up way past their bedtime.

Laila puts herself to sleep each night, Dustin or I tuck her in with a hug and kiss every night, and she has no problem going to sleep on her own. Kenadi, on the other hand, isn't so self sufficient. She used to sit with my on the couch until she conked out, and I would move her to her bed. One day I realized just how much she really loved watching Twilight, or Edward as she calls it, and I started letting her watch it at nap time. She would lay down and be out within minutes, so I had a brilliant idea-or so I thought. I started letting her watch Edward at nighttime too, it gave me a break from having to sit with her and she usually fell right asleep. Latelt, not so much. She had been getting out of bed, bringing things in bed with her, and just being naughty. Tuesday night I decided enough was enough, and she was going to bed in her own room, in her own bed, just like Laila. Lucky for me, Dustin was home Tuesday and Wednesday night to put her to bed. Tonight, I was on my own, and as I'm sure you can guess, it didn't go so well.

Laila and Kenadi went to bed at the same time, I promised a story tonight, and Kenadi screamed through the entire thing. Nearly an hour later, she was still crying, which meant Laila was still awake, over tired, and crying too. I finally got so fed up with the two of them I just left the radio on, kissed them both and said my "I love you's" and was out the door. Next, my poor little man, also overtired, was a hot mess. I tried to snuggle with him, but he just kept bouncing his face off my shoulder so I put him in his crib, too. He was crying and fussing, but I just had to disconnect and let him be.

It's almost 11 pm and the house is finally quiet. Finally. What a long day. I know I should be in bed, but I need time to sit and digress. Recap what went wrong, what I could have done differently, and how I can make tomorrow better. Tomorrow will be better, I guarantee it.

1 comment:

  1. We ALL have nights EXACTLY like that! Bedtime is hard for some and easy for others. Even easy ones have bad nights. Better luck tonight!

    BTW: If turning the radio on helped, maybe make a CD of quite soothing music to have playing for the girls. Jerimiah has music on when he goes to bed.
