The Smith's

The Smith's

March 25, 2011

Emotional High

The past few days some things have been said about me. Now, normally I wouldn't go posting things like this about myself, but I've been on such an emotional high I just have to share. To hear things of this volume being said about me has brought me to tears, I hardly feel worthy. Thank you all, each and every one of you, the words you said have meant more than you could have ever imagined.

Wendy Lopez watched my 3 favorite kids last night. & all I can say is Joli Konow-Smith your an amazing mom to be able to keep up with Laila & her Diabetes. Tracking carbs dividing numbers, etc, etc, all day long to give the right amount of shots. I clap my hands to this woman because I only had a little taste of it & only can imagine every day all day long. Thanks for being a great mom to your beautiful children.

Joanne Gallaway One of the reasons I love being a stay at home mom...having my best friend drop by with the kids just to have a cup of coffee and chat. Thanks for a fun visit, Joli Konow-Smith! ♥

Gloria Konow Vodicka Hey, I know you are a good mother. I see the pictures of your kids. They are smiling, healthy and well cared for, even when they are dirty from playing (which is what kids do).

Kim Grantham Just thought I would say you are a wonderful mom and a great woman and I'm really glad I've been able to have you in my life :) ♥

Joanne Gallaway Helloooo... I just wanted to let you know that I love and appreciate you. Our friendship is the best thing about living in Maricopa. I'm here for you, anytime :)

EBeauty03 THANK you for being in my life too! 

EBeauty03 Betcha didn't know that you are AMAZING! LOVE to read what you have to say! Love ya girl!

EBeauty03 WOW! I'm exhausted just looking at the first picture! That's incredible! Amazing woman you are!

Nessa Dixon I love your blog too, so heartfelt and insightful. You are braver than I am.

Cara I didn’t feel like I was being judge as a parent and I felt I had found a friend that I could stick with for life, as many people seem to tire of me I think, but our personalities seem very similar. The things that I do that I think can come off as being a bit “b*tchy” didn’t seem to bother her and instead we found ourselves laughing at the same things – like the jello-belly lady walking down the street - And we caught each other saying the same type things to our kids as the other. Now I feel I found a friend that I feel is right there on the same level and I feel I can count on when I need her and I hope she knows she can feel the same way too.

These words, these simple comments or status updates or whatever, they are my rock. I am no different from the next mom, I do what I have to do for my children and at whatever cost to my personal health, happiness, or well being, just like anyone would do. To hear someone think I'm doing a good job, or that I'm brave, makes me hold my head just a little higher, sit a little straighter, and stand a little taller. Thank you, all of you, without you, I wouldn't feel this proud.


  1. I meant EVERY WORD and I know those others did to. You rock the heck out of life and keep on going when things start to get you down!

  2. Oooh! I figured it out! Woot woot! Ok sorry, but seriously, you have awesome friends! Lucky girl! :-)

  3. I'm glad that hearing that or seeing those words help keep your head up. I know it helps me too when people tell me stuff like that. Reading the blog made me tear up know me such a sap at times lol.
